New Book on May Ayim | Audre Lorde statt Manteuffel | Installation mit dem Gedicht von May Ayim | The archival Activist | Powerful and Dangerous | DREAM OF EUROPE | Audre Lorde Straßenumbenennung | Audre Lorde's Home Is Now a Historic Landmark | Streets renamed in Audre’s honor | Générations Audre Lorde | Tagesspiegel | Audre Lorde Online Journey | Die Soziologin Dagmar Schultz Pionierin der deutschen Frauenbewegung | Ein afrodeutsches Leben in der Nachkriegszeit | Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies | ReelOut Best Documentary Award | Reel Sisters Best Documentary Award| Ika Hügel-Marshall: My Colours | make/shift magazine | LesbianArte, Mexico City | WBAI, New York | kpfa Women's Magazine | Spring 2013 Tour| Zanele Muholi | News 2012 | Nachlass Audre Lorde | Barcelona Audience Award | Fall 2012 Tour | Frameline36| Magnus Hirschfeld Award | Adrienne Rich | Berlinale | Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis | Zami & Daheim unterwegs | News 2011

Liebe Freund_innen und Interessierte am Werk von May Ayim

Book cover of May Ayim. Radikale Dichterin, sanfte Rebellindieses Jahr am 9. August jährt sich May Ayims Tod zum 25ten Mal. Zu diesem Anlass haben wir - drei Freundinnen und Weggefährtinnen von May – ein Buch herausgegeben mit dem Titel: »May Ayim. Radikale Dichterin, sanfte Rebellin«, welches im UNRAST Verlag erscheint.

Die Publikation enthält 20 bislang unveröffentlichte Gedichte. Darüber hinaus sind in dem Band Erinnerungsbeiträge zu lesen von ihren Familienmitgliedern, Freund_innen, Kolleg_innen und Mitstreiter_innen. Sie alle schildern ihre persönlichen Begegnungen mit May, den Einfluss, den sie auf ihr Leben hat(te) und würdigen so ihr Leben und Werk. May war nicht nur Lyrikerin und Aktivistin; sie war auch Wissenschaftlerin, die schon vor 25 Jahren Debatten um Rassismus bzw. der Intersektion von Rassismus und Sexismus angestoßen hat. Einige ihrer wissenschaftlichen Texte werden in unserem Buch veröffentlicht. Wie aktuell diese Themen weiterhin sind, ist traurig und erschreckend.

Dieses Buch wollen wir gerne vorstellen und May und ihr Werk mit Euch feiern u.a. mit Lesungen, Gesprächen und Musik von der Band 3 Women und Sonia Solarte:

Sonntag, den 8.8.2021, 17 Uhr: Forum Factory Besselstr. 13-14, 10969 Berlin (barrierefrei) in Präsenz mit Hygienekonzept

Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter: bis zum 29. Juli. 2021.

Es können 175 Personen (100 im Saal und 75 in einem Zelt mit Videoübertragung) teilnehmen. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir wegen der Pandemie nicht mehr Personen reinlassen können. Die Zusagen werden wir ab dem 2.August mit dem dann gültigen Coronabestimmungen verschicken.

Eintritt: Zahlt bitte, je nach Möglichkeit, 1 bis 10€ Eintritt am Eingang.

Berliner Straße bekommt einen neuen Namen: Audre Lorde statt Manteuffel

Hanser Verlag
Die 1992 verstorbene US-Dichterin Audre Lorde wird mit einer Straße in Berlin geehrt.Die Bezirksverordnetenversammlung hat entschieden: Geehrt wird künftig eine amerikanische Dichterin statt eines preußischen Demokratiegegners.
Berliner Zeitung 15.6. 2021

Berlin- Schwarz, feministisch, lesbisch, Dichterin, Kämpferin, Mutter. So beschrieb sich die 1992 verstorbene US-Amerikanerin Audre Lorde gerne selbst. Damit vereint sie Eigenschaften, die im Berliner Straßenbild unterrepräsentiert sind. Der Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg will das mit einer Audre-Lorde-Straße ändern.

Die Bezirksverordnetenversammlung (BVV) hat auf ihrer Sitzung am Mittwoch entschieden, den nördlichen Teil der Manteuffelstraße umzubenennen. In Kreuzberg verbrachte Lorde einen Teil ihres Lebens, sie lehrte als Gastprofessorin an der Freien Universität und engagierte sich für afrodeutsche Frauen. 

Die BVV hatte bereits 2005 beschlossen, Straßen zunächst nur noch nach Frauen zu benennen und sich schon im Februar 2019 auf Audre Lorde festgelegt. Unklar war nur, welche Straße in Kreuzberg dafür erwählt würde.

Location of new Berlin street named for Audre Lorde. Grafik: BLZ/HecherBei einer postalischen Umfrage und einer Onlineveranstaltung am 4. Mai konnten interessierte Anwohnende abstimmen. Auf den nördlichen Teil der Manteuffelstraße (ab Skalitzer Straße bis Köpenicker Straße) entfielen dabei 26 Prozent der 466 abgegebenen Stimmen. 16 Prozent hätten den nördlichen Teil der Wrangelstraße bevorzugt, 15 Prozent einen Teil der Adalbertstraße und 29 Prozent die Admiralstraße.

Die Beschlussvorlage des Queer-Ausschusses für Mittwoch lautete dennoch auf Umbenennung der Manteuffelstraße, benannt nach Otto Theodor von Manteuffel (1805–1882), der sich als preußischer Ministerpräsident gegen die Demokratiebewegung einsetzte. Der südliche Teil der Straße bis Paul-Lincke-Ufer bleibt nach ihm benannt.

Grafik: BLZ/Hecher

Installation mit dem Gedicht von May Ayim “Grenzenlos und Unverschämt”

Installation mit dem Gedicht von May Ayim “Grenzenlos und Unverschämt”

Eye for Film – The archival activist: Dagmar Schultz on Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992

Dagmar Schultz with Anne-Katrin Titze on Audre Lorde: “She called herself a cultural worker, a cultural traveller. For her it was very important to come to Germany.”
Dagmar Schultz with Anne-Katrin Titze on Audre Lorde: “She called herself a cultural worker, a cultural traveller. For her it was very important to come to Germany.”

by Anne-Katrin Titze

Dagmar Schultz’s up-close and personal portrait Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992, co-written with Ika Hügel-Marshall, Ria Cheatom, and Aletta von Vietinghoff (who is also the editor) takes us into the private and public life of the poet, activist, teacher, humanitarian, whose life-affirming outlook remains evermore important today. Audre Lorde was a graduate of Hunter College High School and Hunter College in New York City, and a Distinguished Professor of English at the college from 1981 to 1986. In 2019, Audre Lorde was honored, along with Maya Angelou, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Celia Cruz, James Baldwin, Gil Scott-Heron, Tito Puente, and Reggie Jackson by the artist Rico Gatson with their portraits in glass mosaics for the 167 Street subway station in the Bronx.

In 2021, Hunter College hosted during the spring semester an “Audre Lorde Now Series,” a public program of four online events: My Words Will Be There; Doing Our Work: Confronting Racism - and Other "Isms”; There Is No Separate Survival: From Divide and Rule To Define and Empower, and Self-Care as Political Welfare.

Dagmar Schultz is no stranger to Hunter: “I was there in Audre's poetry class a couple of times in 1985 and with the film in 2012.”

Audre Lorde’s voice guides us through the film, as we are plunged from the get-go into the world she experienced and created during her many stays in Berlin between 1984 and 1992. The timing is particularly interesting, as the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 happens right in the middle. Audre’s skepticism about the reunification’s byproduct - a rise in xenophobia - presaged things to come.

“Your power is not my power, you can reach people I can’t reach,” is one of many empowering statements that encourage everyone to speak up. Poetry was her weapon of choice, “part of my arsenal,” as there is “always some group of people that define me as wrong.” Seeing the private person - who enjoys ice cream and swimming and laughing with friends - merge with her activism, her wisdom, her intellectual and emotional clarity, is what makes this documentary so extraordinary and abiding.

From Berlin, Dagmar Schultz joined me on Zoom for an in-depth conversation on Audre Lorde and Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992 (download a pdf of the conversation here).

Powerful and Dangerous: The Legacy of Audre Lorde Panel Discussion

A ZOOM panel of women participants: Blanche Weissen Cook, Clare Coss, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Cheryl Clarke, Jewelle Gomez, Elizabeth Lorde-Rollins, Victoria MunroLast month, a panel was formed by Victoria Munro, Executive Director of the Alice Austen House in collaboration with Audre Lorde’s life long friends and Sister Comrades, Clare Coss and Blanche Weissen Cook. The panelists included: Elizabeth Lorde-Rollins, Jewelle Gomez, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Cheryl Clarke, Clare Coss and Blanche Wiesen Cook.
During the online event, the all-women panel closely examined the life and work of Audre Lorde and the powerful influence of her work today.
You can now view the recording of this heartfelt and insightful conversation on our Youtube. Thank you to the Brooklyn Public Library Culture Pass Virtual program series for hosting this event.

A self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia. Lorde was a long-time resident of Staten Island’s North Shore, close to the Alice Austen House. Her former residence and the Alice Austen House are designated sites of LGBTQ history. This event was held on Aug 27, 2020 hosted by Culture Pass.

Photo of book called "Audre Lorde: Dream of Europe"Video release of a new book on Audre Lorde

Dear friends,

You are invited to watch an amazing video release organized by the editor Mayra A. Rodriguez: for her book Audre Lorde: Dream of Europe. Mayra A. Rodriguez Castro worked with the materials in the Audre Lorde Archive at the Free University of Berlin. She transcribed the audio recordings of the seminars Audre Lorde taught at the Free University in 1984 and included interviews as well as readings and discussions after readings, and further documents collected in the Archive.

The book has been available for purchase from Kenning Editions in Chicago since April 20th, 2020.  Click here for Small Press Distribution (

ISBN: 9780999719879

The video presents excerpts read by:
Makayla Bailey
Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson
Imani Elizabeth Jackson
Hanna Girma
Yulan Grant
Dorothée Munyaneza
Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju
Mayra A. Rodriguez Castro
Diamond Stingily
Keijaun Thomas

Here a comment from Belgrade by the feminist author and activist Lepa Mladjenovic:

dear Dagmar, this is INCREDIBLE!! just fantastic, i listened to each one of the young black feminists, it is so moving, and whoever had this idea in mind should be praised, it is ingenious, transformative imagination!! ~ BRAVE!! lepa

Enjoy and please share and forward!

Best wishes for health and light! Dagmar (for Mayra A. Rodriguez)

in Berlin wird eine Strasse nach Audre Lorde umbenannt! Audre Lorde Straßenumbenennung

Liebe Alle, dear friends,

in Berlin wird eine Strasse nach Audre Lorde umbenannt! Zur Auswahl der Strasse finden vier Veranstaltungen statt. Als Auftakt wird der Film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 am Dienstag, dem 18. Februar im FHXB Museum (Adalbertstr. 95a, 10999 Berlin) mit anschließender Diskussion gezeigt. 

In Berlin a street will be renamed after Audre Lorde! Four events are planned for the selection of the street. The first one presents the film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 on Tuesday, February 18 at the FHXB Museum. Discussion with the filmmaker, the editor and protagonists.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Audre Lorde's Home Is Now a Historic Landmark : DERRICK CLIFTON : OCTOBER 15 2019 2:42 PM EDT

Audre Lorde. Photo by Dagmar SchultzAudre Lorde has received yet another posthumous honor. New York City’s city council has declared her Staten Island home a historic landmark based on her contributions to LGBTQ+ history. 

The celebrated Black lesbian author and advocate pushed for mainstream feminism to become more attuned to intersectionality and critiqued how the mainstream feminist movement was too centered on white, heterosexual women. In addition to writing seminal books like Sister Outsider and Your Silence Will Not Protect You, she was also a member of the Combahee River Collective, a Black lesbian feminist group. 

The 1979 essay “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” is among her most influential and oft-quoted essays, in which she calls attention to how the tactics used by mainstream feminism for gender liberation often run counter to the cause and instead reinforce the oppression they seek to undo. 

“They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change,” Lorde wrote. “And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master's house as their only source of support.” 

Lorde lived in a Staten Island home with her partner Frances Clayton and two children from 1972 to 1987, which is also where she wrote many of her most famous works. She passed away in 1992 after years of struggling with cancer, an experience she detailed in works such as The Cancer Journals and Bursts of Light. 

After her death, the Audre Lorde Project, a Brooklyn-based nonprofit and advocacy organization serving LGBTQ+ communities of color, was named in her honor..

Lorde’s home was among the locations shortlisted by the New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission during Pride month this year, an esteemed list that included James Baldwin’s Upper West Side apartment. The designation was subsequently approved by the full city council to ring in LGBTQ+ History Month, an annual observance that takes place in October. Andrew Dolkart, co-director of the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project, said the organization was “thrilled” to add Lorde’s home to New York City’s list of historic sites and to honor its “rich [LGBTQ+] history.”

In a June press release, Dolkart said the selections add “to the diversity of places officially recognized by the city.”

The other buildings that were granted landmark status are Caffe Cino, the LGBT Community Center, the Women’s Liberation Center, and the Gay Activists Alliance Firehouse. In total, there are 239 sites on the growing list, which include Carnegie Hall and the Stonewall Inn, the latter of which is often viewed as the birthplace of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.

Streets renamed in Audre’s honor

Rue Audre-LORDE in Paris
Click images to enlarge in a new window
NYS Poet Laureate
Audre Lorde Way

Générations Audre Lorde cover

Click to read the text

Video (5 min.) on Audre Lorde and Interview with Dagmar Schultz in the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel online January 17, 2017!


Audre Lorde Berlin City TourDie Audre Lorde in Berlin Online Reise ist eine Entdeckung von vielen Videos und Audios! www. (Vom Inhaltsverzeichnis im Menu mit einem Klick zur gewünschten location.)

Check out the Audre Lorde in Berlin Online Journey. Audre Lorde with many videos and audios! (From the content list in the menu with one click to the desired location.)

Die Soziologin Dagmar Schultz Pionierin der deutschen Frauenbewegung

Beitrag hören

Dagmar Schultz in einem Studio von Deutschlandradio Kultur (Deutschlandradio / Matthias Horn)Dagmar Schultz in einem Studio von Deutschlandradio Kultur (Deutschlandradio / Matthias Horn)Dagmar Schultz in einem Studio von Deutschlandradio Kultur (Deutschlandradio / Matthias Horn) Empfängnisverhütung, die Möglichkeit der Abtreibung, die Behandlung durch eine Frauenärztin: In den 60er-Jahren war das in der Bundesrepublik noch undenkbar. Die Soziologin Dagmar Schultz gehörte zu den feministischen Aktivistinnen, die in den 70er-Jahren zahlreiche Rechte für Frauen mühsam erkämpften.

Geprägt durch die amerikanische Bürgerrechtsbewegung gründete sie zusammen mit anderen Frauen in Berlin das erste Frauengesundheitszentrum der Bundesrepublik.

“Ich war in der Zeit in der so genannten 218er-Gruppe eingestiegen; da ging es um Schwangerschaftsabbruch. Und zur gleichen Zeit waren zwei Frauen aus den USA gekommen, aus dem Feministischen Frauengesundheitszentrum in Los Angeles, und hatten die Selbstuntersuchung präsentiert. Selbstuntersuchung bedeutete eine Vaginaluntersuchung mit einem Plastik-Spekulum, einem Spiegel, und einer Taschenlampe. Die Frauen hatten das entwickelt in den USA aus dem Bewusstsein und der Erfahrung heraus, dass Frauen gewöhnlich diesen Teil ihres Körpers selbst nie zu sehen bekommen, dass jedoch viele Männer – und auch einige Frauen, soweit es Gynäkologinnen gibt und Studierende – hineingucken. (…) Da ging es darum, dass Frauen eine Selbstbestimmung über ihren Körper erlangen wollten, und das nicht Ärzten und der Schulmedizin zu überlassen.”

Der Vater beging Selbstmord
Dagmar Schultz, geboren 1941, wuchs in einem reinen Frauenhaushalt auf; der Vater beging Selbstmord im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nach dem Abitur und ersten Studiensemestern in Berlin ging sie in die USA und studierte dort Rundfunk, Fernsehen und Film. Ihr Traum, dort als Dokumentarfilmerin im Fernsehen zu arbeiten, platzte jäh:

“Mein Bewerbungsgespräch bei CBS oder NBC lief dann so, dass mich die Herren fragten: ‘Was meinen Sie denn, wofür wir hier Frauen einstellen?.’ Das war eine rhetorische Frage – und die Antwort: ‘Ja, als Reinemachefrauen und als Sekretärinnen.’”

Gründerin des Orlanda Frauenverlags
Dies war nur eines der Erlebnisse, die sie früh zur Feministin werden ließen. Neben ihrem Engagement im Frauengesundheitszentrum gründete Dagmar Schultz den ersten Verlag, in dem ausschließlich Frauen publizierten, den späteren Orlanda Frauenverlag, den sie über 20 Jahre lang leitete. Als Professorin an der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik begleitete sie die Themen der Frauenbewegung auch wissenschaftlich. 2011 ehrte die Freie Universität Berlin ihr Lebenswerk mit dem Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis. Ein Jahr später verwirklichte sie einen Lebenstraum, indem sie einen Dokumentarfilm über die Berliner Jahre der amerikanischen Schriftstellerin Audre Lorde drehte, der 2012 auf der Berlinale lief: Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992.

Seit kurzem gibt es für Interessierte auch eine Audre Lorde Online Reise. Mit der lesbischen Aktivistin verbindet sie nicht nur der Kampf gegen Rassismus. “Das andere ist, dass wir alle ein wenig Macht haben, weil wir oft denken, wir sind hilflos, wir können uns gegen bestimmte Sachen nicht erwehren. Aber wir haben alle etwas Macht. Aber, wenn wir diese Macht nicht wahrnehmen und umsetzen, dann wird sie irgendwann auch gegen uns verwendet werden.”


Ein afrodeutsches Leben in der Nachkriegszeit
Ika Hügel-Marshall im Gespräch mit Susanne Führer

Ika Hügel-Marshall (Foto: H. Ross Feltus)1947 wurde Ika Hügel-Marshall in einem Dorf bei Nürnberg geboren. Sie gehört zu den fast 5.000 afrodeutschen Kindern, die unter teilweise sehr erschwerten Bedingungen im Westdeutschland der 50er-Jahre aufwuchsen. Die Suche nach ihrer Identität hat sie lange beschäftigt.

“My dear father” schreibt Ika Hügel-Marshall als 18-Jährige an den Mann, der sie zwar gezeugt, den sie aber noch nie gesehen hat, weil er noch vor ihrer Geburt in die USA zurückkehrte.

Ihre Mutter hatte ein kurzes Verhältnis mit einem schwarzen US-Soldaten, und Ika Hügel-Marshall wird 1947 in einem kleinen Dorf bei Nürnberg geboren.

Als fast Siebenjährige kam Hügel-Marshall für mehrere Jahre ins Heim, ihr Studium erkämpfte sie sich auf dem zweiten Bildungsweg. Ihren Vater lernte sie erst als 40-Jährige kennen.

1998 veröffentlichte sie unter dem Titel "Daheim unterwegs. Ein deutsches Leben" ihre Autobiografie. Sie arbeitet als Künstlerin und psychosoziale Beraterin mit interkulturellem Schwerpunkt. Wann fühlte sie sich als Afrodeutsche als Außenseiterin, wie schwer fiel ihr die Suche nach der eigenen Identität und warum erlernte sie Taekwondo? Darüber spricht Ika Hügel-Marshall mit Susanne Führer in der Sendung "Im Gespräch" am 7. Februar 2017 ab 9.07 Uhr.


We are still receiving varied requests for the film.…upcoming screenings:


Lichtblick-Kino Berlin, GERMANY
Queer feministisches Sommercamp, Münster, GERMANY


Kino Lichtblick, Berlin, GERMANY
Lux Theatre, Glasgow, SCOTLAND


International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), 2016 Nicosia, CYPRUS

International Film & Photography FestivaWe are proud to inform you that you have won a GOLD AWARDin the International Film & Photography Festival (IFPF) 2015
Congratulations and thank you for participating in this year competition.


September 1, 2015: Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies | University of Massachusetts Press

Dear friends and colleagues,

this exciting book about Audre Lorde's global influence has just been published by the University of Massachussetts Press!

Edited by Stella Bolaki and Sabine Broeck; Contributing writers: Sarah Cefai, Cassandra Ellerbe-Dueck/Annapoorna Ellerbe, Paul Farber, Tiffany N. Florvil, Katharina Gerund, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Gloria Joseph, Jackie Kay, Marion Kraft, Christiana Lambrinidis, Zeedah Meierhofer-Mangel, Rina Nissim, Chantal Oakes, Lester C. Olson, Pratibha Parmar, Peggy Piesche, Dagmar Schultz, Tamara Lea Spira, and Gloria Wekker.

Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies | University of Massachusetts Press

“Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies is the first book to systematically document and thoroughly investigate Lorde’s influence beyond the United States. Arranged in three thematically interrelated sections—Archives, Connections, and Work—the volume brings together scholarly essays, interviews, Lorde’s unpublished speech about Europe, and personal reflections and testimonials from key figures throughout the world. Using a range of interdisciplinary approaches, contributors assess the reception, translation, and circulation of Lorde’s writing and activism within different communities, audiences, and circles. They also shed new light on the work Lorde inspired across disciplinary borders.”

Among the most influential and insightful thinkers of her generation, Audre Lorde (1934–1992) inspired readers and activists through her poetry, autobiography, essays, and her political action. Most scholars have situated her work within the context of the women’s, gay and lesbian, and black civil rights… UMASS.EDU


Out in East BerlinMiaThe Bangalore Queer Film Festival (BQFF), in association with Aliance Francaise de Bangalore represents the Asian premiere of our film! The screening with be proceded by a reading of Audre Lorde's poetry by Minal Hajratwala.

Bangalore has hosted film festivals on themes related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT or Queer) communities since 2003.BQFF is an annual event that carefully selects queer films from all over the world and brings them to an ever-growing Bangalore audience. The festival will serve as a space for LGBT concerns to be voiced through the medium of moving images as well as an important platform for screening new Indian and South Indian movies. … Our films try to push boundaries of understanding and we rigourously explore the mental, emotional and physical lives of those who stand outside the sexual norm. At BQFF, we are firmly interested in both straightforward LGBT films and wildly queer and radical films.

Paola Bacchetta and Dagmar Schultz Dagmar Schultz
Dagmar Schultz, Jewelle Gomez, Prathiba Pamar, JB, Marion Gerlind
Dagmar Schultz, Jewelle Gomez, Prathiba Pamar
Prathiba Pamar, JB, Marion Gerlind
UC Berkeley Professor Paola Bacchetta, Gender and Women's Studies, co-sponsored both our screenings at CCA and UC Berkeley this week. Thank you Paola!
Karen Fiss, CCA, Dagmar Schultz, Jewelle Gomez, Pratibha Pamar, JB and Marion Gerlind were on the panel.

SoundCloudCorasón's music for the film is on SoundCloud! You may become a member to listen and buy. Here's a download of the Audre Song lyrics.


ReeloutHi Dagmar,
Congratulations! Your film and loving tribute to your friend and colleague was voted Best Documentary by our festival audience! Sorry there’s no prize money affiliated. Please find laurels attached.

Matt Salton, Festival Director
Reelout Arts Project Inc. •  Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival 15

Corene Marshall with Ika and
her daughter Deloris Mitchell

Corene Marshall with some members
of her family including Ika

My partner Ika Hügel-Marshall (author of “Invisible Woman. Growing Up Black in Germany” and co-author of and protagonist in the film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years) and I would like to share an important part of our life in 2013. In September we visited with Ika's family in Chicago. We had a very good time. Ika tightened her bond with her sisters and brothers. We interviewed her brother Larry Marshall and her brother-in-law Steven Mitchell after they had seen the film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years (you can see the interview if you click on the YouTube channel of the film's website

And we had the chance to have a long talk with Corene Marshall, the wife of Ika's father about her life. Corene was 93 years old and had a fantastic memory and a great spirit. We talk in the past tense because Corene passed away on December 25. This was sad news for all of us - she was a wonderful person and the center of the extended family. Dear friends of ours read some words of love and appreciation for us at the celebration for her life on January 1, the day which would have been Corene's 94th birthday.

Ika Hügel-Marshall and Dagmar Schultz


Presente en La Habana un documental sobre Audre LordeNegracubana @Negracubana
05:51 PM - 28 Dec 13

Presente en La Habana un documental sobre Audre Lorde…

Negra cubana tenía que ser

Rotundamente Negra
Autora: Shirley Campbell

Me niego rotundamente
A negar mi voz,
Mi sangre y mi piel.

Y me niego rotundamente
A dejar de ser yo,
A dejar de sentirme bien
Cuando miro mi rostro en el espejo
Con mi boca
Rotundamente grande,
Y mi nariz
Rotundamente hermosa,
Y mis dientes
Rotundamente blancos,
Y mi piel valientemente negra.

Y me niego categóricamente
A dejar de hablar
Mi lengua, mi acento y mi historia.

Y me niego absolutamente
A ser parte de los que callan,
De los que temen,
De los que lloran.

Porque me acepto
Rotundamente libre,
Rotundamente negra,
Rotundamente hermosa.


Dagmar -

I am so happy to let you know that Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years: 1984-1992 was selected as a FESTIVAL FAVORITE at Cinema Diverse this year! Thank you for sharing your film.

Best, Michael


YouTubeThe first interviews made during the 2012 Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 -1992 Legacy Cultural Festival tour are now to be seen on our YouTube channel! Many more are being edited and will come end of September/October.

Lesbisch-Schwule Geschichtswerkstatt Mannheim-Ludwigshafen-Heidelberg,  Ilona Scheidle
Fotos: Sabine Berger, CSD-Rhein-Neckar

Lesbisch-Schwule Geschichtswerkstatt Mannheim-Ludwigshafen-Heidelberg, Ilona Scheidle

Liebe Dagmar,
es war gestern ein hochkonzentrierter Abend mit unseren Zeitzeuginnen der Region - wir hatten Glück, das Kino ist seit kurzem klimatisiert.

Euer Film lässt die Persönlichkeit und Mission Audre Lordes im Heute wirken und so ungebrochen strahlen, dass jede*r aus dem Kino mit seiner eigenen Katharsis gehen konnte - wie im besten Falle von (Lichtspiel) Theater .

Zahlreiche Teilnehmer_innen kannten Lorde gar nicht, so konnten sie zusätzlich zum Film durch das direkte Fragen an unsere Zeitzeuginnen Dr. Cassandra Ellerbe-Dück und Ulrike Mack vom Frauenbuchladen Xanthippe Mannheim unmittelbare Stimmen zur Persönlichkeit Lordes und weitere Aspekte an Bewegungsgeschichte(n) hören, von schwarzen Deutschen erfahren wie auch zu Netzwerken und Politiken der FrauenLesbenbewegung(en).

Beste Grüße

Ika Hügel-Marshall: My Colours
Frauenkreise, Choriner Straße 10, 10119 Berlin-Mitte 

Ika Hügel-Marshalls grafische Zeichnungen bestechen mit intensiven Farben, organischen Formen und dynamischen Abstraktionen und sind vielfältig, z. B. als Buchcover verwendet worden. Sie arbeitet ebenfalls mit Holz. Ika Hügel-Marshalls Werke zeigen eine außergewöhnliche Synthese von Gestalt, Form und Botschaft. Ika Hügel-Marshall unterrichtet an der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule, arbeitet als interkulturelle Beraterin und hat verschiedene Beiträge zur antirassistischen Bewusstseinsbildung veröffentlicht. Sie ist Autorin des autobiografischen Zeitdokuments Daheim unterwegs. Ein deutsches Leben. Die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 3.10.2013.

Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years
Directed and produced by DAGMAR SCHULTZ
Alexis Pauline Gumbs, | no. 13, Spring/Summer 2013

Audre Lorde lives. Twenty years after her death, Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years, a film by Dagmar Schultz, celebrates the vitality and urgency of the self-identified “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet” as she built community in Berlin during the last years of her life. Here are images that sustain my Black queer poet troublemaker soul:

makeshiftmage.comPredictably (but still appropriately, in my view), the film is structured around Lorde’s most enduring poem, “A Litany for Survival,” and it offers survival resources for countless contemporary movements. I will name three of the most important.

The crucial legacy of Lorde’s time in Germany, which the film (correctly) chooses to foreground, spotlights her role as an ally and inspiration to budding Afro-German women’s movements in Berlin and several other cities in Germany. Archival photo and video images of fresh-faced Afro-German women finding each other for the first time are juxtaposed with interviews with leaders of the Afro-German women’s movement who are now elders. The film dwells on the value of Lorde’s articulations, audacity, and attention for the institutions that these leaders have grown and grown through, while also affirming the Afro-German women’s movement as a movement of its own with its own intergenerational impact. Touchingly, the film includes a large amount of footage and images of May Ayim, a young poet and Afro-German feminist activist mentored by Lorde who died at the age of thirty-four, four years after Lorde died. While this is not marked in the film, those watching who know of Ayim’s work will appreciate it. There are more portraits and speaking moments of her in the film than there are of anyone but Audre Lorde herself.

As a film created by a white German feminist colleague and comrade of Lorde’s, the film importantly includes many of Lorde’s imperatives to white feminist would-be allies, whom Lorde called on urgently during a time in Berlin, much like today, when neo-Nazi violence against people of color and immigrants made clear the genocidal persistence of white supremacy. Schultz shows Lorde talking to packed rooms of mostly white women in the tone of tough love and outrage. I know that many women of color who are tired of telling white feminists what Audre Lorde and many other feminists of color have already stated so clearly hope that our would-be allies will pay special attention to these moments in the film.

Finally, Lorde’s physical commitment to her own survival beyond society’s understanding of her body stands as a light for those of us committed to healing justice. Lorde’s time in Berlin was politically timely, but logistically designed around her health and her critique of American medical norms of cancer treatment. She moved to Germany to work with a doctor who partnered with her on a holistic approach that prioritized her full wellness, not only the narrow mission of “fighting cancer.” It seems clear that the quality of the last years of Lorde’s life and her ability to engage community was greatly impacted by this choice to center wellness instead of pathologization.

Audre Lorde lives. May we allow her enduring legacy to enrich our lives, sharpen our work, and deepen our love.


Mexiko war wunderbar. Die Veranstalterinnen haben sich sehr ins Zeug gelegt.… und waren sehr gastfreundlich, und die Teilnehmerinnen/referentinnen auch sehr interessante Frauen. Der FIlm kam gut an, es gab Tränen während des Films. Es war eine gute Entscheidung eine längere Einführung zu machen, denn nach dem Film waren die meisten Gäste sehr berührt und konnten nicht mehr viel sagen. ~ Jasmin Eding de ADEFRA en la presentación de Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years (LesbianArte 2013, 24 de Abril 2013, México DF, CCEMX)

Click the images to enlarge | © All rights reserved by Producciones y Milagros Archivo Feminista
Audience members
Members of the audience

May Ayim

May Ayim, featured in a clip from the film,
Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 -1992

Jasmin Eding de ADEFRA

Jasmin Eding de ADEFRA

Jasmin Eding de ADEFRA


Jasmin Eding de ADEFRA

Members of the audience

We just wanted to share this wonderful photo, received recently, of a screening that took place on September 13, 2012 at the Madalena (Berlin) meeting and workshop of Latina, African and European women at Kuringa, a project that works with Augusto Boal's Theater of the Oppressed methods. It was a wonderful event - as one can see on the photo the women loved the film.

We have a YouTube channel!


Spring 2013 Tour

LesbianArte 2013 University of Toronto Outfest Fusion, Los Angeles

Here some news on the Spring tour with the film undertaken by Marion Kraft and myself.

Audience members at the University of Toronto
March 15, 2013: auditorium at the University of Toronto

The new tour with the film began at the University of Toronto on March 15. The room was packed—at least 400 people, all very excited and spirited. This was the second event in the  two-week series entitled “The Contemporary Urgencies of Audre Lorde’s Legacy” the first on March 7 was a wonderfully creative night with music, installations, poetry, art and performances.

The film screening was followed by a panel which brought together transnational and local community voices: Gloria Wekker, professor coming from the Netherlands and founder of the women of color group “Sister Outsider,” Marion Kraft from Germany, translator of Lorde’s poetry and protagonist in the film, Carol Allain, African Canadian activist of the group “Sistering” drop-in services for disenfranchised women, Farrah Khan, activist and counselor in the field of violence against women and coordinator of Outburst! Young Muslim Women Safety Program and Susan Blight, Anishinaabe from Couchiching First Nation, a visual artist and educator. This was a very moving and enlightening podium discussion lasting late into the night.

Here are two comments on the event:

“I thought the documentary affirmed the amazing grassroots work Audre engaged in throughout her life.” And:

“I'm still beaming after last night's doc screening of Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years. Your film was a love letter to Audre  & a heart-warming tribute to her influence, her joy & her humanity. The evening was perfectly orchestrated ~ panelists shared memories of Audre & linked this to contemporary social justice issues. I learned so much! But most of all, your film simply made me want to be a better, more courageous, more loving warrior.” ~ THANK YOU. Best, Salina, Toronto

Gloria Wekker, Marion Kraft, and Dagmar Schultz in Waterloo, Ontario at the Rainbow Reels Queer Film Festival

Our next station of the tour was the Rainbow Reels Queer Film Festival in Waterloo, Ontario on March 16. Marion and I went there by Greyhound Bus together with Gloria Wekker. A group of  extremely friendly, high spirited young women received us and took care of us in a most beautiful way. The film was screened in a local theatre. The audience was small, about 45 persons, but very engaged and diverse in age and ethnic background. We had a lively and interesting discussion after the film and made some contacts which we feel will last.

On we flew to Indiana University where we had a most interesting guided tour in The Kinsey Institute which houses the archives of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey and also a Manfred Hirschfeld Collection.The film was screened on March 16 by the Black Film Institute in the Indiana University Cinema, a gorgeous theatre.
At lunch we met with a group of enthusiastic graduate students who were all involved in very interesting work projects.

In the afternoon, Dr. Marion Kraft gave a lecture in the theatre on “Bonds of sisterhood—Breaking of silences: How Audre Lorde inspired my work” and was interviewed by Dr. Tiffany Florvil who has written her dissertation on Black Germans.

The screening of the film took place in the evening and once again was followed by very positive comments.

Our final destination was New York where the film was shown by the Goethe Institut. As in Toronto we had an audience which included a majority of Black and people of color persons, including people who had known Audre personally. Everyone was deeply impressed by the film and many questions brought an interesting discussion.

As during the Fall tour with the Audre Lorde Legacy Cultural Festival I made a number of interviews with persons in the audience, and this will be my next project: publishing excerpts of the interviews as YouTube clips.


Click the images to enlarge

Jacqui Alexander, Gloria Wekker, Marion Kraft, Alissa Trotz in Toronto

March 15, 2013: Prof. Alissa Trotz with Marion Kraft and Dagmar Schultz, University of Toronto

Panel discussion at University of Toronto
March 15, 2013: Altar for Audre Lorde, University of Toronto Lunch with students at Indiana University
Marion Kraft giving her lecture at Indiana University

March 18, 2013: Marion Kraft and Tiffany Florvil at Indiana University

Marion Kraft, Dagmar Schultz and Tiffany Florvil, Indiana University

Jon Vickers, director of the Cinema, Brian Graney, Director of the Black Film Institute, with Tiffany Florvil, and students

March 20, 2013: from left to right: Sara Stevenson, program curator, Goethe-Institut, Marion Kraft, Dagmar Schultz, Tina Campt, Rosemarie Pena, Sheria Burch and ? in the Wyoming Building, Goethe Institut, New York

March 20, 2013: Marion Kraft with performer Vinie Burrows and writer David Henderson, Wyoming Building, New York

March 20, 2013: Marion Kraft, Vinie Burrows, Rashidah Ismaili Abu Bakr in New York after the screening
Riding in Central Park

March 20, 2013: Marion Kraft, Dagmar Schultz with Tina Campt, director of Africana Studies at Barnard College, at the Goethe Institut screening, New York


Bremen—thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. presents an evening with Zanele Muholi and Dagmar Schultz

Difficult Love

With excerpts from the videos Difficult Love (Zanele Muholi, Peter Goldsmid / South Africa / 2011) and Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 (Dagmar Schultz with Ria Cheatom, Ika Hügel-Marshall, Aletta von Vietinghoff / Germany 2012). Zanele Muholi and Dagmar Schultz will address questions of how they stage and represent “black,” “queer” and “difference” in their video and art/activist work. Both films center on society’s ways of dealing with difference—one focusing on the fight of black queer women (and LGBT people) against symbolic and physical violence—concerning lesbians in South Africa today under massive threats of being murdered (in the name of heteronormativity)—the other on Black Germans’ invisibility and its racist underpinnings. A different 'starting point' remains: One brings hate crimes to international knowledge the other cherishes a Black poet and activist. Do an 'accusing' and a 'loving' attitude affect the films' forms? How do the films address questions of archiving and resistance?

Ort: Spedition Kunst- und Kulturverein e.V., Belle Etage
Beim Handelsmuseum ("Güterbahnhof"), 28195 Bremen
Weg: Hinter dem Überseemuseum, über die Gleise, linker Hand

thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor.
Im Krummen Arm 1, 28203 Bremen
Fon: +49-421-701632,


••• 2012 •••

••• Nachlass Audre Lorde •••

Die Dichterin, Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Frauenrechtlerin Audre Lorde war 1984 als Gastprofessorin an der Freien Universität Berlin in der Abteilung für Literatur Nordamerikas des Zentralinstituts John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien tätig. Der Nachlass dokumentiert ihre Lehrtätigkeit und darüber hinaus ihr Wirken in der Öffentlichkeit während ihrer Berlinaufenthalte in den Jahren 1984 bis 1992. Dagmar Schultz hat Audre Lorde in Berlin dokumentarisch begleitet; das Material bildet die Grundlage des unten genannten Dokumentarfilms. Für ihr herausragendes Engagement in der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung verlieh die Freie Universität Berlin Dagmar Schultz 2011 den Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis. Das Preisgeld setzte sie teils für die Realisierung des Films und teils für die Aufbereitung der Materialien für eine Übergabe an das Universitätsarchiv ein. Nach Abschluss der Dreharbeiten übergab Dagmar Schultz 2011/2012 das Material dem Universitätsarchiv als Schenkung (English). Dank der Finanzierung durch Frauenfördermittel des John-F.-Kennedy-Instituts konnte der Bestand zeitnah archivisch erschlossen werden und ist somit für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.

Der Bestand umfasst den Dokumentarfilm Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years, 1984-199 der Regisseurin, Produzentin und Autorin Dagmar Schultz sowie Audio-Aufzeichnungen von drei Seminaren, welche Audre Lorde an der Freien Universität gehalten hat. Darüber hinaus liegen Audio- und Video-Aufzeichnungen von Lesungen ihrer Werke sowie Audio-Aufzeichnungen von Veranstaltungen zu ihrem Forschungsschwerpunkt vor. Des Weiteren umfasst der Bestand die Korrespondenz mit dem Orlanda Frauenverlag sowie die persönliche Korrespondenz  der Schriftstellerin mit der Soziologin Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schultz; sie war Audre Lorde durch wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und vor allem durch eine enge Freundschaft verbunden. Ergänzt wird der Bestand durch Plakate zu einzelnen Gedichten und Veranstaltungen sowie circa 160 Fotografien, welche Mitte der 1980er Jahre bis zu ihrem Tode 1992 von Dagmar Schultz aufgenommen wurden und die Audre Lorde in ihrem persönlichen Umfeld zeigen.


Press Release
Anne Klein Women’s Award 2013: Lepa Mladjenovic, Serbian Women’s and Human Rights Activist

Lepa Mladjenovic: feminist counselor, activist /
Foto: © Biliana Rakocevic

December 6, 2012

Lepa Mladjenovic is the winner of the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Anne Klein Women’s Award. The award ceremony will take place in Berlin on 1 March 2013. The prize money is 10.000 €. Lepa Mladjenovic, the second winner of the Anne Klein Women’s Award, is a courageous woman who has continuously fought against violence and militarism and for freedom, human rights, and sexual self-determination. Her political activism is an inspiration to many fellow campaigners in Serbia, on the Balkans, and all around the world.

The statement of the jury outlines:
“Lepa Mladjenovic is a Serbian intellectual and activist campaigning for peace and human rights. She is especially committed to women’s rights and the rights of people whose sexual orientation and gender identity does not conform to majority norms. Focal points of her work are sexual political violence in war and peace, prevention of violence, and trauma work. For her commitment she has become well known far beyond the borders of Serbia and the region.

Lepa Mladjenovic is active in and a co-founder of many organisations and networks, among them Serbia’s Women in Black, as well as Arkadia and Labris, two organisations advocating lesbian rights, whose spokeswoman she is.”

Barbara Unmüßig, co-president of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and head of the jury points out:
“Lepa Mladjenovic is an exceptional personality, combining political courage with intellectuality, as well as actual counselling of traumatised women with political lobbying and scientific research. Repeatedly, Lepa Mladjenovic has put herself in great danger. To campaign for the rights of homosexuals in Serbia one has to be fearless. Severe discrimination and the hostility of large parts of the people as well as state authorities are an everyday reality for homosexuals in the region.”

Unmüßig adds: “The Anne Klein Women’s Award is a clear political statement against homophobia in Serbia and many other countries in that it supports, by means of actual solidarity, the work of Lepa Mladjenovic and her Serbian fellow campaigners for the rights of lesbians.”

The statement of the jury as well as a short biography and a profile of Lepa Mladjenovic and a downloadable photo of the awardee are available at

On Dec 6, 2012, at 3:28 PM, lepa mladjenovic wrote:
dear wonderful lesbians and feminists, my dear friends,

yes i got this wonderfull award, Anne Klein was a great feminist lesbian in Germany who died of cancer age 61. You know what—this is all part of a lesbian feminist sisterhood sweet conspiracy and solidarity!! Look how it started: Dagmar Schultz asked me last year in her totally low intensity charming manner:): Give me your CV, there is one new award in Germany for feminists lesbians, why dont we try. Some time later Dagmar wrote me back and said, ah your CV is so impressive, and I sent her back some flower photos. That was all about award that i knew. All of us who know Dagmar we love her. So Dagmar wrote the proposal in 4 pages in German and sent it to them. They choose for the first year of award an Indian feminist activist working on [sex-trafficking] in Germany! Great! and Dagmar sent her proposal of me again!! that's the story! And then recently a director of the Heinrich Boll Foundation called me to tell me about this news, and she said: Dagmar Schultz wrote such a proposal about you that we all cried of beauty!! This is what i want to say—I am reading now the words of Ariane Brunet and Elana Dykewoman—dear feminist lesbians, crying of their words of love. I am part of your hearts, coeurs. You know the other way around of that phrase: I would not have been here if you are not there. As Dagmar Schultz put in the very start of the film Audre Lord[e] in Berlin, when Audre said: Love for women made my life.

Dagmar…Thank you for feminist lesbian persistence and solidarity.

And i will still insist on caring for oneself as priority of lesbian politics:)
~ Lepa eating bosnian sweets 'urmashice', smiling to each one.


The German version of the film is now also available on DVD from Click here to order.

Audre Lorde, Joan Nestle, Adrienne Rich
Photo Credit: Kathryn Kendall

The Lesbian Herstory Archives’ celebratory marathon reading of works by Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich ( will mark the 20th anniversary of Audre’s death on November 17, 1992. This anniversary was also marked by a day-long symposium at Hunter College celebrating Audre's life & legacy (find archived videos), the release of Dagmar Schultz’s film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 and by the recently concluded Audre Lorde Legacy Cultural Festival conducted by Dagmar & her partner, Ika Hügel-Marshall (co-author of the film script and a recipient of the Audre Lorde Literary Award for her book Invisible Woman. Growing Up Black in Germany), in numerous cities across the US from Hawaii to Boston while similar events took place in Germany (!!!). DVDs of the film are now available—for details, see

We just got the great news that the film has received the Audience Award for Best Documentary at The Barcelona International LGBT Film Festival where it was screened on August 8, 2012. Here are some of the congratulations coming in from around the world:

Audience Award Best Documentary 2012 Barcelona Gay & Lesbian International  Film Festival

Audience Award
Best Documentary 2012

Congratulations, Dagmar! It’s an award well deserved!
~ All best, Anne V. Adams, Professor Emerita, Africana Studies & Comparative Literature, Cornell University

Liebe Dagmar das ist ja wirklich phantastisch weiter so Erfolg, Gesundheit und Wohlstand wünscht dir Roswitha
~ Roswitha Baumeister:

liebe Dagmar,
herzlichen Glückwunsch für den Preis in Barcelona!
~herzlichst traude, Germany

Herzlichen Glückwunsch von den belladonnas aus Bremen!!! Das ist wunderbar!!
~ Liebe Grüße, Maren Bock, Geschäftsführerin belladonna:

BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! das geniesst mal ordentlich...
~besten gruss, Prof. Dr. Sabine Broeck, American Studies/Black Studies English-Speaking Cultures, University of Bremen

Liebe Dagmar,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem Erfolg!
~ Viele Grüße, auch an Ika, von Claudia, Germany

Congratulations for a well deserved award.
~ Sincerely, Beverly, USA


Dagmar Schultz's AOL account was hacked! Please send e-mail to

Dagmar Schultz, and Blanche Wiesen Cook
Dagmar with Blanche Wiesen Cook in New York

Ria Cheatom at the booktable at "Frauenkreise" in Berlin
Ria Cheatom at the booktable at "Frauenkreise" in Berlin

••• 2012 Fall Tour •••

Final Leg—East Coast
The screening at Hunter College, the college where Audre Lorde was a professor of English literature, was a great closure of our tour. We were worried that hardly anyone would come since the second debate between Obama and Romney was on TV that evening. But about 30 persons, friends of Audre’s and others, did attend and they were completely enthusiastic in their responses during the Q & A. They felt that the film was especially inspiring at this time when the political situation is so complex and dismal on a global level. Several persons praised the skillful composition of the film, one saying that she was so impressed by the intimacy which the film created and had never seen a documentary using primarily home video having that effect. Audre's daughter Elizabeth Lorde-Rollins also came to the screening and we had a chance to be with her afterwards. I took no photos that evening but we want to share a few others from New York. We met with Audre’s old friends Blanche Wiesen Cook and Clare Coss and took a walk with Clare at the Hudson. And we had a wonderful first personal meeting with Rosemarie Pena, president of the Black German Heritage and Research Association.

Back in Berlin, I, Dagmar, and Ria Cheatom presented the film at the feminist intercultural project “Frauenkreise” in Berlin Friday, Oct. 19 and had a lively discussion on the her/history of Black Germans and Audre’s role in it.

Tomorrow, on the 20th, Ika and I will travel to the Hamburg LGBT Film Festival. The film will be screened there and finally editor Aletta von Vietinghoff will participate in the Q&A. They will will show the films “Passionate Politics. The Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch” by Tami Gold, “Lesbiana – a Parallel Revolution” by Myriam Fougère and “Ingen man i sikte” by Mette Aakerholm Gardell and “Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” by Dagmar Schultz. In-between there will be a panel discussion with these film makers about lesbianism and politics in the past and present.

Dagmar and Ika
(Many more photos are on our FaceBook site! Click any of these images to enlarge them)


Harvard University:

Aba Cecile, Harvard.JPG
Dagmar interviewed Aba Cecile McHardy

Damar, Ika, Rosemarie Pena, president, Black German Heritage and Research Association and her friend Cheria
Damar, Ika, Rosemarie Pena, president, Black German Heritage and Research Association, and her friend Cheria

On October 8 we arrived in Cambridge, a true university town. On the 9th we went to the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute which had invited us for the reading and the screening of the film. The curator of the Institute’s gallery gave us a wonderful tour of extraordinary artwork—paintings, photography, posters and sculpture—by African American, Caribbean and African artists exhibited on three floors of the building. In the afternoon we met with a small—by comparison with previous venues—but very engaged audience. Dr. Tobe Levin, an old friend and comrade from Frankfurt/M. introduced us. Afterwards I had a chance to interview a student working on developments in the Netherlands and familiar with Audre Lorde’s influence there, e.g. the group “Sister Outsider” and one of its founders Professor Gloria Wekker. I also interviewed Aba Cecile McHardy, an African American buddhist who had met Audre and who talked of her as a sangoma. Plus, I got reactions from Peggy McInstosh, professor at Wellesley College,[an] anti-racist feminist whom I have known for decades. She is the author of the widely known text White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, and she intends to use the film in her National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity).

Ika with our friends and supporters of the film Miriam Frank and Joan ReutershanIka with our friends and supporters of the film Miriam Frank and Joan Reutershan

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Oct. 10 to 11
Our old friend Sara Lennox, emiritated professor at U Mass, and the woman who found Ika’s father in Chicago, had organized the reading and the screening of the film. Jamele Watkins, African American student who is doing research on Black consciousness in Germany, introduced Ika. Questions after the reading concerned today’s situation in Germany. A professor from African American Studies asked whether white partners are admitted at Black events such as the Bundestreffen, and another African American professor asked about the role of Black men in the German movement since it seemed that Black women had been most active. Ika explained that men do have a decisive position in the movement, but that women had taken the initiative in the beginning.

The next day Kevina King, whose mother lives in Berlin, and who left Germany at the age of 16, talked with us about her experiences as an Afro German in the US. She also told us about her talk on her life at the Second Annual Black German Convention, which took place at Barnard College in New York in September. Kevina took us to Bookmill, a lovely old bookstore/Café in the country where we bought a collection 360 Years of African American Writing as a present for her. The book includes information on the freedom fighter and feminist Sojourner Truth who had lived in North Hampton next to Amherst in the 19th century.

Ika and Kelina King
Ika with Kelvina King

The screening was in the evening on October 11 and again the audience reacted with enthusiasm. Sara Lennox introduced me, Dagmar, referring to our earliest common times organizing a teaching assistant union and strike at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1968. And now I met another old acquaintance, Mike Thelwell, whom I knew in the 60s and who now is a retired professor [of] African American Studies at UMass. He gave me a book he had edited together with Stokeley Carmichael, and some texts on James Baldwin telling me about an event on James Baldwin at Hampshire College on October 13. We did go to the event and that way also got to see the world's largest Yiddish Library in buildings which are to remind of an Eastern European shtetl.

Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.
Erika Nelson, Professor of German, picked us up early in the morning at Sara Lennox’s house. After a two hour drive we arrived at Union College in Schenectady, a town near Albany, that once had been the Center of the General Electric company and declined after GE decided to move. Erika Nelson had organized a whole day in celebration of Audre Lorde, that is the three films on Audre, the Film on May Ayim and Ika's reading. .A highlight was that Professor Anne Adams, translator of Farbe Bekennen. Afrodeutsche Frauen auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte (Showing Our Colors. Afro German Women Speak Out, U Mass Press) joined us for the screening and the Q & A afterwards!


Sonoma State
With staff and students from Sonoma State University

Our tour with the Audre Lorde Legacy Cultural Festival has taken us from the University of Hawaii to UC Berkeley, Sonoma State University and the Berlin and Beyond Film Festival of the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco to Chicago! Sharing Audre Lorde's legacy with students, faculty and community people at the University of Illinois at Chicago and at Northwestern University in Evanston has been a wonderful experience! Michelle Wright, professor in African American Studies at Northwestern, gave a brilliant introduction to the film. Many had an intimate knowledge of her work, others encountered her for the first time. People were moved by discovering Audre's influence in Germany—an unknown chapter of Audre's life—and her humor, her laughter, her very personal side as shown in the film was new to everyone. For us it was especially good that people are inspired by Audre's still so relevant words. 

Last but not least, a student of Columbia college at Chicago identified himself at the screening at Northwestern, a college where I, Dagmar, had taught in 1969/70. In my surprise I mentioned that I had taught courses like "Sexism in the Media" and "Race and Class". After the screening a woman walked up to me and said that she had been a student in my class on "Sexism in the Media"! What a small world!

For me, Ika, Chicago always has a very special meaning. Here I found my father at the age of 46 and with him a large family. Audre would have been so happy if she could have shared this with me. One of my brothers and a brother in law came to my reading and to the screening of the film at UIC! 

Finally we warmly thank Elizabeth Loentz, professor of German at UIC and Anna Parkinson, professor of German at Northwestern for organizing the events and taking great care of us. Special thanks to Anna Parkinson who originally contacted us to invite us!"

Dagmar and Ika


Midwest Leg—Northwestern, University of Illinois, Chigago

This free two-day program celebrates the life and work of the African American poet, author, lesbian, feminist, and activist Audre Lorde. Hosted by the Northwestern Department of German, the program will feature film screenings, a book reading, discussions, and an in-person appearance by Dagmar Schultz, a friend of Lorde and the director of the documentary Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984–1992.

AUDRE LORDE'S CULTURAL LEGACY is sponsored by the Northwestern Departments of African American Studies, of English, of German, and of History; the Comparative Literary, the American, and the Latino and Latina Studies Programs; the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, the Graduate School, Poetry and Poetics Colloquium, School of Communication, and Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Support provided by the Goethe-Institut, Chicago.


Michelle Wright (Northwestern) photo: Carrie Maxwell
Michelle Wright (Northwestern)
photo: Carrie Maxwell

Activist, author, poet, and teacher Audre Lorde had a profound impact on the civil rights, feminist, and LGBTQ liberation movements in the United States and abroad.

The documentary film Audre Lorde—The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 chronicles her time there, where she was instrumental in forming the Afro-German movement, encouraging activists and poets alike to give voice to their experience as people of color in Germany. Film director Dagmar Schultz will be present for the Midwest premier of the documentary and the program will be introduced by Michelle Wright, associate professor of African American Studies. Also on the program, a showing of Hope in My Heart, a short film about the German-Ghanaian poet May Ayim.

The Audre Lorde Cultural [Legacy] Festival is sponsored by the Northwestern Departments of African American Studies, of English, of German, and of History; the Comparative Literary, the American, and the Latino and Latina Studies Programs; Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, Graduate School, Poetry and Poetics Colloquium, School of Communication, and Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Support provided by the Goethe Institute of Chicago.

Dates: Oct 4 2012 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, 40 Arts Circle Drive Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208


Reading at the Castro Theatre, San Francisco
Reading at the Castro Theater in San Francisco
West Coast Universities + Berlin and Beyond
Sunday, September 30: San Francisco

What an event! We had a reading and a screening in our favored beautiful old Castro Theater in the gay district of San Francisco! We were very excited and also nervous. This was part of the Berlin and Beyond Film festival of the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco, co-sponsored by the northern California chapters of the American Association of Teachers of German, the Foreign Language Association, and the Gerlind Institute of Cultural Studies. My web designer, JB of DRAGA design, along with the Gerlind Institute for Cultural Studies, did a lot of the publicity. DRAGA design is also the distributor of the DVD of the film (USA home version). The DVD arrived just in time for the screening - great: with French, German and Spanish subtitles and with 73 minutes of interesting special features! Earlier, we were invited to a reception at the German Consulate.

There was a good crowd both for the reading and the screening. The German Consul General, Peter Rothen, came and was totally impressed by all the new things he learned about Germany. Some people emphasized that they liked hearing Ika’s story first and then seeing through the film what effects Audre had made. After the reading we had an intensive discussion in the Firewood Cafe—people wanted to know what had happened after the wall came down, what the situation of Black Germans in the East had been and was today, what anti-racist activities there are etc. Everyone agreed: the film Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years creates community. There is a flicker photostream of the Castro events, as well as photos on our FaceBook page.

Sunday, we celebrated the 45th birthday of the bookstore Modern Times, where we joined the Labor Chorus singing union songs and the Internationale before we went for a reception at the house of the director of the Goethe-Institut overlooking the city of San Francisco from her veranda on a gloriously clear and balmy day!

Tomorrow we fly to our next stop: Evanston, Illinois and Chicago.


Tuesday, September 25: UC Berkeley and Sonoma State University
We began the week with an on the air telephone interview at 6 a.m. and ended it with the film screening at UC Berkeley. Wednesday we had an interview at the old progressive radio station KPFA. Thursday morning we went to Sonoma State University a little more than an hour north of San Francisco - a ride through a beautiful landscape of rolling hills. The Spanish professor who picked us up, was keen on showing our film with the Spanish subtitles to her students. Professor Michaela Grobbel, a friend and committed organizer of the event, warmly received us. Ika had a reading at the university in front of over 100 students and in the evening we showed the film to at least as many people. Both events were followed by lively discussions. I was able to interview Dr. J.J. Wilson, a white retired professor who had been teaching Audre Lorde's work, and Dr. Kim Hester-Williams, an African American professor who is presently teaching [Audre Lorde]. Williams said that some students feel intimidated by Audre Lorde and find her work severe. She feels that this film should be part of the English literature canon because it humanizes Audre Lorde and therefore would make her work so much more accessible. A lovely lunch in a Nepalese Tibetan restaurant with profs, volunteers and students closed off the day."


Hawaii!—September 23, 2012

Dagmar Schultz in Hawaii

Aloha nui loa from Manoa valley! The two-day Audre Lorde Legacy Cultural Festival at UH Manoa turned out to be much more than a mere screening. In the Hawaiian tradition the festival was opened by traditional chants to acknowledge the spirits of the valley and nearby ocean, to invoke their protection, and ask for their blessing. Co-organized by Professors Christina Gerhardt (German dept.), Caroline Sinavaiana (English dept.), and Elisa Joy White (Ethnic Studies dept.), the festival began each day with personal testimonials by speakers who were deeply influenced by Lorde’s work. The Hawai`i premier of “Audre Lorde: the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” was well-attended received. One immediate effect was that several student volunteers were inspired to begin planning a writing workshop for Pacific Islander LGBT persons and their friends, as well as an international conference for women in color in struggle. Audre would have loved to see such a result from the gathering. We also had the chance to experience the island and the warmth of the ocean, and to spend time with our old friend, Caroline Sinavaiana. Tomorrow, Monday, we’re off to San Francisco. For schedule of events, please see [the] calendar on the film’s web site: 

Dagmar and Ika

After the reading and movie screening at the Castro Theatre, San Francisco Dagmar and Ika will be able to chat and answer questions at the Firewood Cafe on 18th Street—across from Mollie Stone's Market. The address is 4248 18th Street—just below the post office. They have pizza, salads, chicken, beer and wine. It is wheelchair accessible, quiet, friendly, and big enough for 25-35 folks. It is just 2 blocks from the theater, (two minutes walking distance) and easy, and FREE (entry is free, food and drinks will be your own cost).


Audre Lorde Legacy Festival & Hawaii Premier: Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years - 1984 to 1992 - Dir. Dagmar Schultz

Dear colleagues, staff and students,
Great news! Next month features the Hawai’i Premier of the documentary Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years - 1984 to 1992 with director Dagmar Schultz in attendance to discuss the documentary and Lorde’s impact on the Afro-German, feminist and LGBT communities, in Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere. The film screens as part of a two-day conference, honoring the legacy of Audre Lorde. (Details below.) Please feel free to forward, post to FB, tweet, tumblr, etc. etc.

With kindest thanks and best wishes to everyone for a wonderful new academic year and semester,
Christina Gerhardt

Audre Lorde Legacy Festival + Hawaii Premier: Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years - 1984 to 1992 - Dir. Dagmar Schultz
University of Hawaii at Manoa •  September 20 + 21, 2012


The University of Hawai’i will host a two-day Audre Lorde Legacy Festival, Thursday, September 20 + Friday, September 21, 2012, featuring readings of Audre Lorde’s writings and screenings of earlier documentaries chronicling her work and influence in Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere.

On Thursday, September 20, 2012, the Audre Lorde Legacy Festival will feature the Hawaii premier of Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years - 1984 to 1992 with director Dagmar Schultz in attendance to discuss. This 2012 documentary premiered at the 2012 Berlin International Film Festival to critical acclaim.

The film chronicles Audre Lorde’s work with and impact on Afro-German, feminist and LGBT communities in Berlin and Germany from the mid-1980s to her passing in 1992. As other films in the two-day festival lay out, Lorde's work as an African-American poet, writer, professor and activist also impacted the African diaspora.

For full conference program, please visit: For further information, contact Professor Christina Gerhardt

Conference Co-organizers: Professor Christina Gerhardt (LLEA/German),
Professor Elisa White (Ethnic Studies) and Professor Caroline Sinavaiana (English)

Generously co-sponsored by the German Consulate of San Francisco; Honorary Consul of Germany for the State of Hawai'i; Rosa Luxemburg Foundation; American Association of Teachers of German - Hawai'i Chapter; Epsilon Mu / National German Honorary Society - Hawaii Chapter; Academy of Creative Media; College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature; College of Arts and Humanities; College of Social Sciences; Department of American Studies; Department of Art and Art History; Department of English; Department of Ethnic Studies; Department of Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas; and Department of Women's Studies.


Fall 2012 USA Audre Lorde Film & Cultural Festival tour

University of Hawai’i The complete program of the Festival
Contact: Professor Christina Gerhardt
Sept. 20 & 21
University of California, Berkeley Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992”
Contact: Alisa Bierria
Sept. 25
Sonoma State University Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992”
Contact: Professor Michaela Grobbel
Sept. 27
Goethe-Institut, San Francisco
Berlin and Beyond” film festival
Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992”
Film: Sabine Erlenwein, Director, Goethe-Insititut
Reading: Dr. Marion Gerlind, Gerlind Institute for Cultural Studies
Sept. 29
University of Illinois at Chicago Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany Contact: Professor Elizabeth Loentz
Oct. 2
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The complete program of the Festival (download the program flier)
Contact: Professor Anna Parkinson
Oct. 3 & 4
Harvard University, DuBois Institute 

Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992”
Contact: Dr. Abby Wolf

Oct. 9
University of Massachusetts

Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992”
Contact: Professor Sara Lennox

Oct. 10 - Reading
Oct. 11 - Screening

Union College, Schenectady, NY

The complete program of the festival (download the program flier)             
Contact: Prof. Erika Nelson (

Oct. 12
Hunter College, NY

Reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany and screening of “Audre Lorde – the Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” (download the program flier)
Contact: Rupal Oza

Oct. 16

(click here to download this schedule)

The complete Program of the festival includes:
The films:

  • A Litany for Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde by Ada Griffin and Michelle Parkerson
  • The Edge of Each Other's Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde by Jennifer Abod
  • Hope in My Heart: The May Ayim Story by Maria Binder
  • Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 by Dagmar Schultz

The reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany


••• Congrès International de
Recherches Féministes Francophone •••

Dagmar Schultz at the University of Lausanne

Last week I returned form Lausanne where the film was screened on August 28 at the Congrès International de Recherches Féministes Francophone. About 500 women attended the conference and about 200 came to watch the film after a long day of lectures and workshops. Rina Nissim, publisher of Audre Lorde's work in French in the Editions Mamamélis, introduced me and Audre’s books. Many were not familiar with Audre Lorde and were deeply impressed by her through the film. The comment by Sara Garbagnoli expresses the reactions of women and men to the film:

“le soleil audre lorde a illuminé la première soirée du 6e congrès international de recherches féministes qui a eu lieu à lausanne du 29 août au 2 septembre 2012. merci dagmar pour ce cadeau précieux!”

This was the first screening of the film with French subtitles. It will be distributed by the Centre Simone de Beauvoir in Paris (


••• FRAMELINE 36 | San Francisco Bay Area Premiere! •••

Dagmar SChultz, Libby Lewis
Dagmar Schultz and Libby Lewis (photo courtesy of Libby Lewis)
Frameline 36

Hello Dagmar,

It was so wonderful to celebrate the film of Audre Lorde with you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit here in the States. I would love to share your film with friends, colleagues, and students. Thank you for committing to such a great film project! I hope to stay in touch.
Enjoy the photos!


Libby Lewis, Ph.D., BBRG Scholar-in-Residence
Gender and Women's Studies Dept., UC Berkeley
630 Barrows Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1070

Dear friends, dear colleagues,

I will arrive in San Francisco on June 11 and will stay with Ruth Mahaney.

On June 16, at 4 pm, the film “Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” will be screened in the Frameline Festival at the Victoria Theater. Please tell all interested people! And check out the web site if you have not done so—it has lots of interesting information:

The Lexington Club has contacted me and offered to throw a party after the screening. They write: “The party would start whenever your screening lets out. You can just make your way to the Lexington Club and I or my assistant manager will be there to greet you and set you up with some drinks and champagne!” It will be a great opportunity to get together! Here the address:

The Lexington Club
3464 19th Street (Between Mission and Valencia), San Francisco, CA 94110
phone: 415-863-2052

Looking so much forward to seeing you!


••• Magnus Hirschfeld Award 2012 •••

05/10/2012: Magnus Hirschfeld Award 2012
The winners of the Magnus Hirschfeld Award 2012 have been announced. Die Jury hat sich für Dagmar Schultz und Tennis Borussia Berlin e.V. entschieden. The jury chose Dagmar Schultz and Tennis Borussia Berlin e.V.

Die PreisträgerInnen des Magnus-Hirschfeld-Preises, die Jury und die Vorbereitungsgruppe. More pictures from the awards ceremony on can be found here.

Dagmar Schultz ist seit über 40 Jahren eine äußerst engagierte Feministin, Soziologin und Verlegerin (sie gründete den Orlanda Frauenverlag). Schultz arbeitete zuletzt an der Verwirklichung eines Films über Audre Lorde, eine afro-amerikanische, lesbisch-feministische Dichterin, und deren Einfluss und Leben in Deutschland. Der Film hatte Weltpremiere auf der Berlinale und wird gerade auf vielen Festivals gezeigt.

Der Berliner Traditionsverein Tennis Borussia ist seit Jahren ein aktiver Akteur im Kampf gegen Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Homophobie. Mit der Initiative Fußballfans gegen Homophobie leistet der Verein einen entscheidenden Beitrag für die Enttabuisierung von Homosexualität im Fußball. Der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Preis wird durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Lesben und Schwulen in der Berliner SPD (Schwusos) 2012 zum vierten Mal an eine Einzelperson und eine Institution oder Projekt verliehen. Der Preis besteht aus einer Plakette mit dem Porträt von Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld und ist zusätzlich mit jeweils dotiert.

Dagmar Schultz with her Magnus Hirschfeld medal and flowers

Dagmar Schultz has been a very committed feminist, sociologist and publisher for more than 40 years. She founded the women's publishing house Orlanda, which she led until 2001. In a press release of the Schwusos on the award it says on Schultz: “Schultz was one of the first activists in the lesbian and feminist movement who made the interaction of different forms of discrimination clear. To this day she is committed to providing migrant and Black women a voice and to raise awareness on exclusion mechanisms within her own community.” Schultz most recently worked on the realization of the film Audre Lorde—The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 on Audre Lorde, the African-American, lesbian-feminist poet, and her influence in Germany. This film had its world premiere at the Berlinale, and is currently being shown at many festivals.

The club Tennis Borussia Berlin tradition has been an active player in the fight against racism, antisemitism and homophobia.With the initiative of football fans against homophobia the club makes a significant contribution to the taboo of homosexuality in football. The Magnus Hirschfeld Award is awarded by the Association of Lesbians and Gays in the Berlin SPD (Schwusos) 2012 for the fourth time to an individual and an institution or project. The main criteria is the exceptional engagement for the emancipation of Gays, Lesbians, and Transgender persons. The award consists of a plaque with a portrait of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, and in addition, 500 euros.

Langston Hughes Film Festival

The award ceremony [took] place on Monday, 5/14/2012, 18.00, in the Town Hall clock, Charlottenburg, Otto-Suhr-Allee 100, 10585 Berlin.


The Langston Hughes African American Film Festival had a wonderful Seattle/Pacific NW premiere of the film on April 15, 2012!

Read the introduction, by Sara Ahmed, to the film at the Fringe! festival in London. You can download it here.




Audre Lorde
ZAMI. Eine neue Schreibweise meines Namens
Eine Mythobiografie

Übersetzung Karen Nölle

ISBN: 978-3-89771-603-2
Ausstattung: br., 328 Seiten
Preis: 18.00 Euro

In ZAMI erschafft die afroamerikanische Dichterin eine neue Form, die Mythobiografie, eine Verknüpfung von Elementen aus Autobiografie, Mythologie und Historie - und schafft auf diese Weise neue Zugänge zur Entdeckung weiblicher Identität. Zami ist auf der Karibikinsel Carriacou, der Heimat von Lordes Mutter, ein Begriff für die Liebe und Freundschaft unter Frauen. In Lordes Lebensgeschichte spielen Carriacou und Grenada, Orte von Licht, Sonne und Frauenzentriertheit, eine ebenso bestimmende Rolle wie Harlem, der amerikanische Rassismus, die McCarthy Ära und das New Yorker Künstler- und Lesbenmilieu der fünfziger Jahre.

»Diese Mythobiografie ist wunderschön geschrieben, roh und emotional. Nichts ist mit Zucker überzogen, doch jedes Wort eine kleine Kapsel voller Schönheit.« Jessica,

Daheim Unterwegs

Ika Hügel-Marshall
Daheim unterwegs: Ein deutsches Leben

ISBN: 978-3-89771-604-9
Ausstattung: br., 152 Seiten
Preis: 14.00 Euro

Die kleine Erika ist ein "Besatzungskind". Ihre Mutter kommt aus einer bayerischen Kleinstadt, ihr Vater, ein afro-amerikanischer Soldat, wird noch vor ihrer Geburt wieder in die Staaten beordert. Mit sieben Jahren wird Erika vom Jugendamt in ein Kinderheim verfrachtet, wo sie den tyrannischen und rassistischen Methoden von Schwester Hildegard ausgesetzt ist - und selbst eine Teufelsaustreibung überlebt. Die erwachsene Ika ist Ende Dreißig als sie das erste Mal anderen Afro-Deutschen begegnet. Jahre später macht sie sich auf die Suche nach ihrem leiblichen Vater und tritt ihre erste Reise in die Vereinigten Staaten an ...

»Wer sich auf Daheim unterwegs eingelassen hat, wünscht sich eine Begegnung mit der Autorin.« Freitag


Two new reviews of the film following the London Premiere. See all the press clips here.

Pride Index
Read this interview from the PRIDE Index: Pride on Film: Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 (download here). There are more reviews and press clippings in the Press Kit. Check back often for updates.



Adrienne Rich, a much-awarded feminist poet and essayist, dies at 82. She 'was a voice for the feminist movement when it was just starting and didn't have a voice,' an expert says.
Adrienne Rich
Poet Adrienne Rich in May 1987. She moved from the East to the warmer climate of Santa Cruz to help her rheumatoid arthritis. On the West Coast she taught at San Jose State, Scripps College and elsewhere. (Neal Boenzi / New York Times / May 8, 1987)

Adrienne Rich is gone—and so many of us are deeply touched by this loss remembering what she has meant to us and to the political and the literary world. And I wished her years would have been free of the painful illness she was suffering from.

In 1983 I published a book with essays and poems by Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich entitled “Macht und Sinnlichkeit” (Power and Sensuality). This book had a deep effect on the women’s movement in Germany by encouraging, motivating women to engage in thinking about and acting on racism and anti-semitism, a process which was intensified by Audre Lorde’s repeated presence in Berlin in the following years.

Adrienne and Audre are closely connected for me. Both women had a life-long friendship on many levels. I just returned from our first tour with the film “Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” in the US where we also showed “A Litany for Survival. The Life and Work of Audre Lorde”. In that film Adrienne talks about the continuous deep exchange she had with Audre about her work and that no one else could replace that. Now Adrienne followed Audre—but what has she left behind! And how can we make use of her words and actions! This is what motivated me to make the film on Audre’s times in Germany, and this is what comes to my mind thinking of Adrienne’s passing.

Dagmar Schultz


Direct links to the TEDDY Award TV interview!

Dear friends,

Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 will premiere in NYC on March 26 after having had its world premiere at the Berlinale!
Here the announcement from "Time Out New York." Let interested persons know!
We hope to see you there!
Dagmar and Ika

This week in New York

Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992
The Brecht Forum, Mar 26 7:30 p.m
. 451 West St (between Bank and Bethune Sts)
(212) 242-4201 •
Subway: A, C, E to 14th St; L to Eighth Ave • Get directions
The pioneering activist and writer is the subject of a 2011 documentary, chronicling her years spent working and writing in Germany. For the New York premiere of the film, director Dagmar Schultz and poet Ika Hügel-Marshall will discuss Lorde’s legacy with Barnard professor Tina Campt, who specializes in Afro-German studies (a discipline that Lorde also worked in).


Teddy Award TV interview with Magnus Rosengarten

Magnus Rosengarten, Gloria Joseph, Dagmar Schultz, Ika Hügel-Marshall

It is exactly twenty years since the celebrated Afro-American poet and writer AUDRE [LORDE] died in 1992. According to her own description of herself she was: ‘a lesbian, a feminist, black, a poet, mother and activist’. In the 1980s Dagmar Schultz, who at the time was lecturing at the John F. Kennedy Institute at Berlin’s Freie Universität, invited Audre Lorde to Berlin as a visiting professor. This move was to have an enduring influence, for Lorde soon became co-founder and mentor of the Afro-German movement. In her documentary portrait, Dagmar Schultz distils hitherto unpublished and often very personal material of Lorde that portrays her among her Berlin women friends, fellow-travellers and students, many of whom she encouraged to begin writing. Our reporter Magnus Rosengarten talks in an interview with the filmmakers about their research for the movie and their personal contact with Audre Lorde.

SOAD mentions the film on its blog. Students of the African Diaspora (S.O.A.D.) is a student social justice organization at The New School University in New York City. We promote the exchange of knowledge about contemporary issues regarding the African Diaspora through events and activism.


••• BERLINALE! •••

Dear friends and colleagues, check out this page - the interview with Panorama Program Director, Wieland Speck, includes also our film! ~ Dagmar Schultz

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, seht Euch diese Seite an – das Interview mit Wieland Speck, dem Leiter des Panorama Programms geht auch auf unseren Film ein

ab 22:30h PARTY

Mi. 15. Febr, 20:00h  Cinestar 7,  Potsdamer Str. 4, 10785 Berlin

ab 22:30h PARTY


Köthener Str. 44, 10963 Berlin,
Potsdamer Platz

  • Corasón (Music in the film)

  • Adwoa Hackman

  • Gloria I. Joseph

  • Joaquin la Habana

  • Djane Tausi

MC: Miss Sam

Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years
1984 to 1992
Ein Film von Dagmar Schultz

im Panorama Programm
der 62. Internationalen
Berliner Filmfestspiele

Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years
  • 15, February—Cinestar 7, 8 p.m.
    Mittwoch, 15.Februar,
    20 Uhr im  Cinestar 7

  • 16, February—Cinestar 7, 2:30 p.m.
    16.February, 14.30 Uhr im Cinestar 7

  • 17, February — 7, 5:30 p.m.
    17.Februar, 5.30 Uhr im Cubix 7

  • 18, February — 7, 12:00 p.m.
    18.Februar, 12 Uhr im Cinestar 7




January 2012

The film is accepted for the Berlinale! … “It is my pleasure to herewith officially invite your film AUDRE LORDE. THE BERLIN YEARS. 1984 - 1992 to the upcoming Panorama program on behalf of Wieland Speck. … We look forward to collaborating with you on the presentation of your film in February. …Your Panorama Team.”

The festival is from 9.2.2012 through 19.2.2012


••• 2011 NEWS •••

October, 2011:
In honor of Audre Lorde's legacy
, Dagmar Schultz will be touring with the Audre Lorde Cultural Festival, a series of films about, and inspired by, Audre Lorde, together with a reading by Ika Hügel-Marshall from her auto-biography, Daheim unterwegs. Ein deutsches Leben (Invisible Woman. Growing up Black in Germany). Download the information here.

Good News!
After several years of being out of print the German version of Audre Lorde’s novel ZAMI. A biomythography in the spring of 2012 by Unrast Verlag. Ika Hügel-Marshall’s autobiographical work Daheim unterwegs. Ein deutsches Leben will also be republished in the spring of 2012 by Unrast Verlag.


July 9, 2011:
Hiermit lade ich herzlich zur Uraufführung meiner neuen Performance ein. "seelenwärts. auf leben und tod" feiert am 09.07.2011 und 19:00 in der Neuen Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (x-Berg Oranienstr. 25) Premiere. "seelenwärts" verbindet die Biographien dreier krebskranker Frauen (inkl. meiner eigenen). Ein Thema, das mir sehr am Herzen und in der Seele liegt, weshalb ich mich über jeden Gast freue. Bis Samstag vielleicht. M. Ritz

July 7, 2011:
Das Magazin für Lesben
- Brentano-Preis für Dagmar Schultz


June 20, 2011:
The title of the film has changed to 'Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992' and Dagmar Schultz is the author, in collaboration with Ria Cheatom and Ika Hügel-Marshall, and producer.

Der Titel des Films ist ab sofort nur 'Audre Lorde - Die Berliner Jahre 1984 bis 1992' und Dagmar Schultz ist Autorin, in Zusammenarbeit mit Ria Cheatom und Ika Hügel-Marshall, und Produzentin.


June 17, 2011: (English translation below)
Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis 2011 geht an Dagmar Schultz

Soziologie-Professorin wird für herausragendes Engagement in der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung geehrt
Nr. 191/2011 vom 17.06.2011

Margherita von Brentano

Der Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis der Freien Universität Berlin für herausragende Leistungen in der Frauenförderung und Geschlechterforschung geht in diesem Jahr an die Soziologie-Professorin Dagmar Schultz. Zur Begründung hieß es, die ehemalige Dozentin am John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien der Freien Universität und Professorin an der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin habe wichtige Beiträge zu vielen Aspekten der women’s studies und der gender studies geleistet und zu deren Institutionalisierung beigetragen. Stets sei es ihr ein Anliegen gewesen, die Verbindung zwischen Forschung und Lehre an der Hochschule und sozial engagierter Praxis außerhalb der Universität herzustellen. Die mit 15.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung wird am 23. Juni verliehen. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich, der Eintritt frei.

Zur Veranstaltung in der ehemaligen Philosophischen Bibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin sind Journalistinnen und Journalisten herzlich willkommen. EinladungBrentanoPreis.pdf


Dagmar Schultz
Photo: Bernd Wannenmacher

Dagmar Schultz, Jahrgang 1941 studierte von 1961 bis 1965 Journalismus, Nordamerika- und Frankreichstudien in Berlin und Michigan. Weitere Studien der Soziologie schlossen sich in San Juan, Puerto Rico und Wisconsin, USA an, wo sie auch als Wissenschaftlerin arbeitete. Sie promovierte 1972 an der University of Wisconsin mit einer Arbeit über die Arbeiterbildung. Von 1973 bis 1986 lehrte sie am John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien der Freien Universität Berlin und habilitierte 1989 an deren Institut für Soziologie. Von 1991 bis 2004 war Dagmar Schultz Professorin an der Alice Salomon-Fachhochschule in Berlin. Sie war Mitbegründerin und langjährige Mitarbeiterin des Feministischen Frauengesundheitszentrums Berlin und des Orlanda-Frauenverlags. Ihre Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Interkulturelle Sozialarbeit, Frauen- und Genderstudien sowie politische und kulturelle Kompetenz in der psychosozialen und psychiatrischen Versorgung von Migranten und Migrantinnen sowie von Minderheiten.

Mit dem seit 1995 verliehenen Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis ehrt die Freie Universität persönliches Wirken oder hervorragende Projekte in der Frauenförderung und der Geschlechterforschung. Er ist einer der höchstdotierten Preise seiner Art. Der Preis wird übergeben durch den Präsidenten der Freien Universität, Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt. Die Laudatio auf die Preisträgerin hält Prof. Dr. Margit Mayer vom John-F.-Kennedy-Institut der Freien Universität.

Ort und Zeit: Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011, Beginn: 17 Uhr;
Freie Universität Berlin, Philosophische Bibliothek, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Weitere Informationen: Mechthild Koreuber, Zentrale Frauenbeauftragte der Freien Universität Berlin, Telefon: 030 / 838-54259, E-Mail:

Im Internet:


On June 23, 2011, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schultz received this year’s Margherita-von-Brentano-Prize from the Free University of Berlin. In honor and in memory of Margherita von Brentano, professor of philosophy and first female vice president of the Free University, the prize is awarded for work and projects which further the development of equal rights and opportunities for women in academia and the promotion of women’s and gender studies and research.

Against the background of her experiences in the United States of America and in Puerto Rico between 1963 and 1973, Dagmar Schultz initiated critical debates about  sexism and racism within the university as well as in the women’s movement.

While teaching at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute of Northamerican Studies at the Free University and later as professor at the Alice-Salomon- University of Applied Sciences she contributed significantly to the initiation and institutionalization of many themes of women’s studies and gender studies. As committed scholar and activist she always had the courage to address controversial topics, frequently as the first person. Schultz belonged to those researchers who worked toward a more differentiated approach to gender issues. Viewing gender as a social construct she consciously included women and men in her empirical research. She continuously worked on the significance of social and ethnic differences among women and contributed substantially to the critical (self-) reflection and new formation of the women’s movement. Furthermore, she supported the development of the Afro-german feminism particularly with her activities as publisher of the Orlanda Verlag.

Presently Schultz is working on the production of a documentary about the African-american poet Audre Lorde and her times in Berlin “Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992.” The award will be used for the production of the film and for the establishment of an Audre-Lorde-Archive at the library of the Free University.


April 15, 2011
Programm des Workshops „Gendering the Black Diaspora“ DFG Young Scholars Network Black Diaspora and Germany

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Englisches Seminar

Freitag, den 15.4.2011: 18:45-19:30
Hoffnung im Herz. Mündliche Poesie-May Ayim“, ein Film von Maria Binder
Anmoderation bzw. Diskussionsleitung: Susann Lewerenz gemeinsam mit Dagmar Schultz

Samstag, den 16.4.2011: 9:00-10:00
Projektvorstellung: Dagmar Schultz: „Audre Lorde – the Berlin years“ – A Project in Progress
Moderation und Diskussionsleitung: Carmen Dexl
